Fascia is a connective tissue network supporting and holding muscles, bones, nerves, organs, and blood vessels in place. Due to auto accident injuries, adhesions and restrictions develop in these connective tissues, causing pain. Myofascial pain is chronic and different from other types of pain as it arises where myofascial tissues meet or cross.

Myofascial release aims to release tension, adhesions, and restrictions within the fascia. Myofascial release can help alleviate pain and discomfort by addressing fascial restrictions and reducing tension.
How You May Benefit From Myofascial Release:
- Pain Relief
- Increase Flexibility
- Increase Range Of Motion
- Improve Circulation
- Accelerate Healing Process
How Myofascial Release Works
Myofascial release is a hands-on technique that uses sustained pressure to release adhesions or restrictions in the fascia, reducing pain and increasing mobility. The technique also can enhance blood flow to the affected area, promoting healing. A myofascial release session may last between 30-50 minutes, depending on the severity of the injury.
The first visit to Injury Treatment Centers of Kansas City, usually consists of an initial evaluation and physical exam, including strength and mobility testing and postural assessment to ensure that myofascial release is appropriate for you. To learn more about myofascial release, you may contact Injury Treatment Centers of Kansas City at (816) 886-9005 or schedule an appointment.